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Payments Admin
Payment Dump
Setting Up Pay Vias
Hidden Payout Options
Temporary Payout
Payment Option
Affiliate Payout
Domestic Wire
Instant Payments
International Wire
NATS Payments
Payment Dump Entry Numbers
Payment Dump Variables
Payout Scales

Webmasterchecks is included in NATS4. NATS4 admins can skip these instructions.

NATS version and later supports payment dumps to a Webmaster Checks account. If you are using NATS or greater, please skip to the section Configuring Webmaster Checks below. If you are using a version of NATS prior to and want to use Webmaster Checks, please enter an upgrade support ticket or follow all the steps below:

Creating Webmaster Checks dump format

From the main menu select Configuration, select the Pay-Via tab. Scroll down to the end of the Dump Format table and enter "Webmasterchecks" into the input box labeled New Dump Format. Click the Add button.

Scroll down to the new Dump format, copy, and paste the following line into the Dump Header:

"Payee Name,"Memo","Reference","Payout Amount","Street","City","State","Zip/Postal Code","Country","email address","username"

Then copy & paste this line into the Entry Header:

"{$pay_to}","{$entry.start_nice} - {$entry.end_nice}"," PUT Program Name AND Client# here","{$total}","{$address1}{if $address2} {$address2}{/if}","{$city}","{$state}","{$zip_code}","{$country}","{$email}","{$username}"

When finished, click Save.

Configuring Webmaster Checks

From the main menu, select “Configuration” and click the the “Pay-Via” tab. Near the bottom is a dump format entitled Webmasterchecks. Click on the pencil icon to the right to edit the dump format.

In the Entry Header box you must replace the line "PUT Program Name AND Client# here" with your Webmaster Checks program name and client number. When finished, click Save.